Saturday, February 16, 2013

Most Important And Easy Paragraph For Class 6 to 10

Suggestions sheet
Sub: English paragraph

                                                    TRAFFIC JAM
Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move or that can only move very slowly because there is so much traffic in the road. Traffic jam is a common affair in the big cities and towns. it is one of the major problem of modern time. The cause of Traffic jam is many. Mainly our roads are not enough increased. The roads are all the same. There are many unlicensed vehicles which should be bought under control. The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules. Overtaking tendency is also causes Traffic jam. The number of traffic police is insufficient. At office time traffic jam is intolerable. Sometimes Traffic jam is so heavy that it blocks about half a kilometer. It kills our valuable time and our work is hampered. It causes great sufferings to the ambulance carrying dying patient and the fire brigade vehicles. However this problem can be solve by adopting some measures. Spacious road should be constructed. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly so that the drivers are bound to obey them. Sufficient traffic police should be posted on important points. Unlicensed vehicles should be removed. After doing all this we can hope to have a good traffic system for our easy and comfortable movement.
                                                A WINTER MORNING
A winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays cannot get through it. The cow and other animals cannot come out. Village children and people have hardly warm cloths. They gather dry leaves to make fire to warm themselves. The old and the poor bask in the sun in order to warm themselves. People in general and children get up late. So everyone is busy in taking breakfast, dressing, and getting ready to go their workplace. In a winter morning one can enjoy delicious and sweet cakes, date juice and many other foods. A winter morning is enjoyable in many respects.
                                                STREET HAWKER
A street hawker deals in various things by hawking from street to street. He carries his products on head or in hand and sometimes in a small handcart. He generally buys his goods in a cheaper rate and sills them at a good profit. A street hawker is very cunning. He knows his business very well. His customers are women and children. He brings toys, sweets and other things for children. He also brings ribbons, cloth, fruits, fancy goods and domestic uses for women and sells them at a good profit. He speaks in different ways to draw the attention of his customers. A hawker also knows the time of his business. He comes when housemasters are out of home and when women are free from their household works and duties.

                                  VILLAGE MARKET
A village market is an important place to the villagers. The villagers buy and sell their daily goods in a village market. A village market generally sits in an open place of the village. Usually A village market is divided into three section-open place, temporary shops and permanent shops. Vegetable, milk, fruits, fish, curry and other things are sold in the open space. From the grocers people buy oil, salt, onion, garlic etc. in the permanent shops cloths, shoes, wheat, rice, flour, ghee and different stationary items are sold. A village market is very important to the villagers. The villagers sell their own products and buy their daily necessaries. It saves time and money of the villagers.

                                                     A book fair
Book fair is an exhibition of books. Now a day’s book fair has become very popular. It has created a sense of interest for books. All shorts of books-fictions, text books, dramas, children books are displayed there. There are also food and drink stalls. A book fair become crowd especially in the evening. Both male and female customers gather in a book fair. The writers also visit the fair regularly. The book fair reminds us that books are our best companions. They are always at our side when we fall in danger. They change our outlook. We get these best friends at a cheaper rate from a book fair.
                                                      Load shedding
Load shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load shedding occurs when production of power is less than demand and also unplanned distribution of power. It creates a serious problem in the economic development of a country. The running houses, mills, industries, hospitals all fall a victim to it. Domestic life becomes painful. The sufferings of the students due to load shedding beggar description. The patient also suffers terribly for load shedding. The food kept in the refrigerators gets rotten. Load shedding causes a great suffering to the people. In order to solve this problem we have to produce sufficient electricity. We should be conscious to using the electricity. 
                                                   TEA STALL
A tea stalls a common sight in our country. It is found in towns, cities, bazaars, railway station, bus stands even in village. It is a small shop. In a tea stall there are few chairs, tables or benches. Prepared tea is sold here. Biscuits, cakes, bananas are also sold here. There is often a boy or two to serve the tea. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A kettle is always kept hot on the stove. A tea stall opens in the morning and closes late night. A tea stall is a popular place. People of different ages and classes come here. They take tea and talk with one another. They talk about village politics, national and international politics, and current affairs. A tea stall is an important place for people.

                                        TREE PLANTATION
Trees are very useful for men in various important ways. They provide us wood and many products. They give us shade. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us floods and many other natural calamities. Trees prevent the rise of temperature. They give us oxygen. They prevent the rise of carbon dioxide worldwide. Tree gives us food and shelter. They make the land fertile. They save our house from cyclone. Trees protect us from the heat of sun. Many trees give us fruits. Tree helps to cause rain. Tree gives shelter to birds and animal. Trees are things of beauty too. We can take care of trees by not cutting them. We can also take care of trees by planting them more and more. We should plant trees more and more for our happy, better and healthy life.
                                           YOUR SCHOOL MAGAZINE
A school magazine is a magazine that contains the writings of the teachers and the students of a school. Almost every well established school publishes it every year. It contains poems, articles and short stories. The publication of a school magazine is a very difficult task. The editors have to work hard to publish it. The school magazine is an important things for students. A student fell proud when he find his writing in print. The students can learn many things from it. The school also reflects academic and co curricular activities of the school. In a word school magazine is the mirror of a school.

                                                   WATER POLLUTION
WATER pollution means the ways in which the water is polluted. Water is an important element for human environment. It is essential for human, plants and other life. Water can be polluted by many ways. Farmer use fertilizer and insecticide in their fields. The rain and flood wash away some of these. They get mixed with safe water. Mill and factories pollutes water by throwing their waste. Steamer, motor launch pollute water by throwing oil, food waste, human waste etc. unsanitary latrines also pollute water. Safe water is safe for us and polluted water is harmful. So we should be conscious to prevent this problem.


  1. আপনি আপনার blog এ revenuehits এবং popcash- এর ads ব্যাবহার করে ইনকাম করতে পারবেন। বিস্তারিত জানতে নিচের লিংকে ক্লিক করুন।

  2. Pls uplod environment pollution for clss six and short paragraph
