Saturday, February 16, 2013

Most Important And Easy Dialogue For Class 6 to 10

Suggestions sheet
Sub: English Dialogue.
Patient        : Good evening doctor. Will you spend some time for me?
Doctor        : Of course. What’s your problem?
Patient        ; my exam is very near. I cannot work hard because I have been suffering from difficult problem.
Doctor        : What’s the problem?   
Patient        : I have been suffering from weakness.
Doctor        : Do you go to bed late hours at night?
Patient        : Yes. I study more at night.
Doctor        : Please lie down on the bed. I will check you.
Patient        : Check me well sir.
Doctor        : Don’t worry you’re OK. Take rest for seven days. Go to bed early at night and take regular exercise.
Patient        : Thank you very much.
Doctor        : You are most welcome.
Myself        : May I come in, sir?
Manager    : Yes come in. please be seated.
Myself        : Thank you.
Manager    : How can I help you?
Myself        : I want to open an account with your bank. What to do?
Manager    : You have to open a savings account. Here is an application form. You have to fill it in and be introduced by someone who has an account with us.
Myself        : That’s all?
Manager    : No. here is a signature card. You have put your signature on this card and attach two passport size photographs.
Myself        : I see. I will come back as soon as. Thanks for your help.
Manager    : You’re welcome.
Anis        : Hello Rakib how are you?
Rakib        : Fine, and you?
Anis        : Same to you. Please tell me the necessity of tree plantation.
Rakib        : Trees are our best friends. They are a great source of food and vitamins
Anis        : That’s all?
Rakib        : Trees give us shade and shelter, wood, oxygen. They save us from flood and many other natural calamities. Trees make the land fertile.
Anis        : What should we do them?
Rakib        : We should plant trees more and more for our happy, better and healthy life.
Anis        : Thank you.
Rakib        : welcome.
Student        : May I come in sir?
Headmaster    : Yes, what do you want?
Student        : I have come from Chittagong. I am seeking admission into your school.
Headmaster    : Why have you left Chittagong.
Student        : My father is a Government employee. He has been transferred to here.
Headmaster    : Which class do you like to take admission?
Student        : Class 9 (science group)
Headmaster    : H you bought your T.C.
Student        : Yes sir.
Headmaster    : Well I will consider your case. Meet me tomorrow.
Student        : Thank you sir.
Headmaster    : Most welcome.
Amin        : Good evening, habib.
Habib        : Good evening, how are you?
Amin        : well, but I am afraid of the exam.
Habib        : Have not you completed your course?
Amin        : My preparation in English is not so well.
Habib        : Don’t worry I am sure you will be able to cover it. How is your preparation in mathematics?’
Amin        : Well, I am afraid in English
Habib        : English is difficult for all. Try your best.
Amin        : Thank you for your suggestion. Practice mathematics’ more and more.
Habib        : Thank you.

Amin        : Hello, habib what are you doing?
Habib        : I am reading  an article about the importance of learning English.
Amin        : English is an international language.
Habib        : Now it is very essential for all.
Amin        : It is essential for get higher education.
Habib        : It helps a man to get a good job and earn more money.
Amin        : It is the official or semi official language more than 60 countries.
Habib        : You are right.
Amin        : The importance of English cannot be described in words.
Habib        : So, all of us must learn English.
Jamil         : Hi anil, why are you looking so sad.
Anil         : The news of the death of all members of a family in a road accident made me sad
Jamil        : Really it is very sad. Everyday we find much accident news in news paper.
Anil        : Can you tell me the reason of it.
Jamil        : Rough driving, lack of traffic police, overloaded vehicles are main causes of it.
Anil         : The roads are not good in many points. That also causes road accident
Jamil        : What can be done to reduce road accident?
Anil        : Drivers should be given training.
Jamil        : Well planned roads should be constructed.
Anil        : People should be made aware of traffic rules.
Jamil        : Thank you for your discussion.
Anil        : you are welcome.
Seller        : Good morning, may I help you please?
Customer    : Yes, I want to buy some books.
Seller        : What type of books do you want?
Customer    : I want story books for children.
Seller        : There are many popular children story books in my shop.
Customer    : Please show some of them.
Seller        : OK, here are these books.
Customer    : How much?
Seller        : Five hundred Tk only .
Customer    : Here is the money.
Seller        : Thank you, please visit us next time.
Customer    : you are welcome.


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